Sunday, February 21, 2010

The best times|The worst times

We live in the best times and the worse time!

Technology makes us easy to access to more data as well as post information on the internet. We are exposed to all the unjustified or disorganized, and maybe untrue date every time when we google. Based on Lawrence Lessig , Keynote for "Speech, Privacy, and the Internet", Lawrence mentioned the next generation, those kids who use internet since little, would be more triangulating, skeptical compared to the older generations. They do not register until information is confirmed.

Really?? I doubt it.

I lean more toward “The dumbest generation” observation.

I do not think that younger demographics are capable of critical thinking by facing so much fragmenting data. They are used to skimming articles or using Ctrl+F to find key words that they need. I do not see any in-depth digesting process happening as far as I understand.

The popularity of internet also causes an important privacy concern: the data survives forever. Once your profile being uploaded, it will be pulled out by all means someday. This sounds really scary to me! I am not sure if those young kids are aware of this issue while no matter what they post will be staying on the internet forever.

“Education” seems to play a more important role in the future. The kids will have much more tools to be exposed to the world than we do right now. They need to be taught and encouraged to think in different perspectives in their early stage. They need to be taught to be more responsible for their behavior and decisions.

The technology brings easiness as well as challenges. We all live in the best but the worst times.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, its really scary to know that my profiles can still be found even after I have deleted them. We've all been told to delete pictures and profiles that you don't want employers to see so now I'm a little concerned. Hopefully, pictures from a few crazy nights out at the bar won't come back to haunt me.
