Sunday, February 28, 2010

Virtual reality more real? Nah..

The virtual world makes the entertainment more entertaining. Imagine that on Valentine’s Day, you can design a virtual girl according to your girlfriend’s appearance and make her a self-designed necklace for gift. I believe this would definitely surprise your least for me :)! Or put that in a business application level, think of a clothing company send you a birthday gift through email which is a virtual you with their latest outfit to make you look like celebrity, will you be able to shop at the store again?

This entertaining feature could make relationship much closer. In terms of business perspectives, by leveraging this relationship marketing strategy, marketers can increase customer satisfaction thus boost repeat purchase rate.

However, on the other hand, I think technology also drift people away.

In Second Life technology, we can go to class, travel everywhere in the world, and explore everything maybe we do not dare or we cannot do in the real world. But we are losing the affinity and connection. Imaging that if you can see the Great Wall in front of a screen, we cannot be as much amazed and shocked as you see them in person. If we as human being who still have emotions and feelings, for those people we meet or do business in second life, will we be able to talk to them in person? Or more importantly, will you trust them when it comes to business?

Just like I can talk to my family and see them through Skype, but ultimately I still want to go back home to see them, hug them. I do not believe the virtual world can someday replace the affinity between people.


  1. Agreed, I cannot accurately say I have seen the Great Wall through pictures and virtual technology. The human element of companionship and being around other people cannot be satisfied by virtual technology. I would go crazy if I spent my entire life living through my avatar. It's an add-on, not a stand-alone application.

  2. There's only so much time in a day, and there are millions of ways to spend time online. Not to mention, we still have to eat, sleep, and well you know... With so many options and forms of communication, people are going to have to choose eventually. Hopefully we choose to continue eating and breathing.

  3. I agree with you Paige. A picture or virtually image of those would love will never replace in person human interaction.
