Sunday, February 7, 2010

Father, I want to confess...

I feel bad. I am a dumb.

I rely on the spell check so often that sometimes when I hand write some English words or Chinese characters, I need to type them in Microsoft Word and ask for help from spell check.

I am so used to web searching that I want to get the answer in a second. I would be impatient to a lengthy article. Based on my habits, I usually skim through main ideas. And even sometimes, I would use Ctrl+F to find the key words which locates the part I want to search for information.

I sometimes process thinking in pieces because I absorb incomplete information.

I need more time to finish a logical sentence, to analyze an argument, to see analogies, and to distinguish fact from opinion.

I feel sometimes it is easier or more comfortable for me to talk with unfamiliar friends through g-chat, messenger, text messages, or Facebook wall post than in person. Technology somewhat shorten the distance?

I feel panic sometimes if I do not get the responses quick enough from my friends, boy friends, or family. The feature of the Web -“efficiency” heavily influence on me. I forget the beauty of “waiting”.

It is scary to face the ugly truth but it is also great to diagnose myself by confessing in front of you. I know where I am now and now I know where I want to go.

Thank you, Father.


  1. No worries Paige, I'm sure the fact that you know Mandarin and maybe Cantonese in addition to English outweighs the need for spell-check. Funny you should mention getting frantic if you don't hear back fast enough - I recently heard a colleague say one of his friendships is in jeopardy because he didn't answer a call the other week!

  2. Paige, I can't tell you how closely I relate to this confession, even down to the Ctrl+F.

    Spelling has always been my biggest weakness. I use to keep a pocket dictionary with me at all times and work hard at it so that I could improve. Now, It's like what's the point??? I have spell check at my fingertips and I hardly ever write anything by hand anymore. It's tragic.

    As for the quick responses, just think back to the days where we had to wait days, or even hours, to communicate with somebody. What happened to that patience?

  3. I can totally relate to being impatient when it comes to lengthy articles. If an article is more then 3 or 4 paragraphs long, I automatically go into skim mode. Its really sad. I even have trouble reading my favorite types of books now.
